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Punjab Govt Announces Another Laptop Scheme



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Punjab Govt Announces Another Laptop Scheme

The Punjab Government has introduced a new laptop scheme for the students struggling for higher education and marking a significant development.
This initiative will provide 110,000 13th-generation Core-i7 laptops to eligible students. The scheme targets the first and second semester of BS students in public institutions and medical students. All students will go under a merit-based selection process.
The application process will work through an online portal. Right after a few hours the thousands of students have signed up for the scheme. According to the scheme the students need a minimum of 65% in their intermediate exams to qualify for the laptop and medical students will need 80% in HSSC.
The scheme shows that almost 34000 students have applied within a few hours of its launch.
How to register for a laptop?

Students can apply at www.cmlaptophed.punjab.gov.pk/
Before applying, make sure you fulfil the eligibility criteria
To apply, students have to apply online for free laptop scheme
Eligibility Criteria
Students have the domicile of the Punjab
Must enrolled in 1st and 2nd semester of BS in Public Institute
BS students must need 65% result
Medical students must need 80% result

The student must not be a recipient of any laptop scheme
CM Punjab Laptop Distribution Timeline
The registration programme has started. The laptop distribution will begin after Ramadan 2025. It could be possible that the laptop distribution will take place in April or May. The first shipment of the laptops had arrived and the CM Punjab will host the first ceremony in several locations as part of the Honhaar Scholarship Programme.

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