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Kashmir day on 5th of February



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Kashmir day on 5th of February

Kashmir day is celebrated in all Pakistan for solidarity with people of Indian occupied Kashmir. People of occupied Kashmir are struggling for their freedom. Many people have been martyred by Indian forces because they raised voice or freedom.

Red Hunt tweeted on twitter in which it has been shown a protest in Athens in which people are protesting against cruelty of Indian forces on innocent people of Kashmir.

Background of Kashmir Day

As we all know that occupied Kashmir is a great issue for Government of Pakistan as people living in occupied Kashmir are all Muslims and they want to be part of Pakistan but India forcefully want to include them in India. Kashmir day was firstly celebrated in the era of Nawaz Sharif in 1990. Nawaz Sharif had appealed to all people of Pakistan for strike against the cruelty of Indian forces in occupied Kashmir. He had further asked people of Pakistan to pray for freedom fighters in occupied Kashmir at that time.

Also read: President Azad Kashmir saying about rights of Kashmirs

Public holiday on this day in Pakistan

There is public holiday in Pakistan on 5th February every year. Religious parties are organized for solidarity with people of Kashmir especially in schools where students speech on topic “cruelty in occupied Kashmir by Indian forces” and thus students show their support with people of Kashmir who are doing efforts for freedom in occupied Kashmir.

Rallies are also organized on this day in which participants chant slogans in the favor of people of Kashmir who are doing efforts for freedom movement.
A girl in Kashmir wants to show the cruelty of Indian forces through twitter

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