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Colleges In Karachi Prohibited From Collecting Fees In Cash



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Colleges In Karachi Prohibited From Collecting Fees In Cash

The Directorate of Colleges Education of Karachi has restrained from accepting student cash payments. The instruction emphasized that the college deans are responsible for monitoring daily operations and ensuring all payments are made directly through designated college bank accounts. This notification is to cope with fee collection irregularities and colleges’ principals will be accountable for breach of the notification.

Reason for the instruction:
250 students of Government College of Nazimabad and Jinnah College Nazimabad received their admit cards for their associate degree due to staff misappropriating the fee process.
Dr. Zafar, the Controller of Examinations at the University of Karachi

In response to the issue, Dr. Zafar, took emergency measures and issued admit cards to those students immediately not to affect the student's examination process. Regardless of issuing the admit cards to affected students, the principal of the respected colleges filed an FIR against the responsible admin staff for the misappropriation.

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