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University of Engineering and Technology offering admission in many PhD disciplines



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University of Engineering and Technology offering admission in many PhD disciplines

Lahore: UET the famous University of Engineering and Technology is offering admission in various fields of PhD now. The admissions offered in PhD are both full time and part time. According to the advertisement published in newspapers by UET authorities. The university is offering admission in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering management, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Telecom engineering and Software Engineering.

To get admission in this PhD program, aspirants are required to match the following requirements:
The students having Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in the given engineering  field /specialization recognized by the university with a minimum CGPA 3.0/04.00 or first division in MSc engineering.

GAT subject, taken by NTS with not less than 60 cumulative score. In the case of non availability of above stated tests, the locally developed test will be taken by the departmental committee.

A full time scholarship of Rs: 60,000 per month will be given to the chosen candidates for 3 years after the registration in required field. On the other hand, the endowment fund scholarship scheme is also available for the above mentioned disciplines at S.No 5to 9.

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