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Result of 5th Class Examinations and Future Options





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Result of 5th Class Examinations and Future Options

The results are soon to be announced by the PEC, for class 5 and 8 examinations that took place this year, in 2018. Students of grade 5 and 8 must be thinking of how well they performed in their exams, and what they can do from here onwards.

PEC (Punjab Examination Commission) an autonomous body which was set up by Government of the Punjab, back in 2005, to assess and examine students’ knowledge and learning capabilities\achievements, in particular, of 5th and 8th grade. It now conducts examinations for grade 5 and 8 every year and the result is usually announced in the last week of March. This year, as well, PEC have informed everyone through their website that the result of 5th class and 8th class result 2018 will be made available on their site on 31st of March, 2018.  

With the resources PEC possess, being a government backed body, it has been offering 5th and 8th class scholarships for bright and high marks obtaining students. If a student who has appeared in the recent examinations was, or a student who is to appear next year gets, registered with the PEC then there hard work can pay off by obtaining a scholarship for further studies.

The registration for PEC exams is done free of charge, so there is no registration fee. A student can register for appearing in the exams and then if eligible he/she can be granted scholarship by the PEC which is revealed to the Management of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Each grade has same requirements of being eligible for the PEC scholarship. If you need to know the details then keep on reading because we will be explaining them for you now. If you hadn’t registered before and you, or your child, is in 5th or 8th class then you can register now for the scholarship.

Both public and private school students can apply for the PEC scholarship, but they have different registration forms which can be found on PEC website.

Documents Required for Registration:

1.    Copy of Birth Certificate
2.    Nadra Form B
3.    Copy of School Admission-Withdrawal Register
4.    Father’s/Guardian’s NIC Copy

Eligibility Criteria for PEC Scholarship: 

1.    Obtained 70% or more marks in 5th grade result
2.    Obtained 70% or more marks in 8th grade result
3.    Student/Candidate must have appeared in Board Exams

Students must have felt that this is a good opportunity and that is why they were and are registering for the scholarships. You, or your child, should work hard in order to gain 70% or more marks in your, or his/her, 5th/8th grade examinations. By properly investing your time and concentration towards your study can you gain any scholarship and this scholarship is no different.

If you have, or your child has, passed your, his/her, examinations of 5th and 8th grade and obtained more than 70% marks then go ask your, his/her, school’s administration for the scholarship form and they will provide it you. Once you receive it fill it with all the relevant and required information and attach with it attested documents (as stated above) required for the PEC scholarship and submit it at your district education office. If the student is eligible he/she will be awarded the PEC Scholarship for the respective class.

At primary and middle level, there are other scholarships that are being awarded to the students. One of them is PEEF for the students of 5th and 8th standard. PEEF (Punjab Educational Endowment Fund) awards funds for students who have appeared and gained high percentage of marks in their 5th and 8th board examinations.

Recently, Federal Board (of Islamabad) has taken examinations for scholarship for grade 5 and 8. And the scholarships are to be awarded from this year, 2018. So, if you, or your child, is in any of these grades then you, or they, should study as much as possible to get great marks in your, or their, examinations and then try to get the Federal Board scholarship for 2018.

Go and apply for one of the available scholarship funds and make your, or your children’s, future brighter!

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