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Computerized Students ID card to be issued among Punjab students



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Computerized Students ID card to be issued among Punjab students

Rawalpindi: The students of Punjab who are now getting admissions in the schools will be now granted computerized ID cards. These ID cards will help in preventing anyone getting fake admissions in any school or college across Punjab.

In the meeting held under the chairmanship of Director Public Instruction Punjab the computerized ID cards idea was applied and as per the records of meeting the computerized ID cards will be distributed among all the students of different Punjab districts including Rawalpindi.

The computerized ID card will be carrying the bio data of the student as well as all the other information regarding the student. This will allow the school management to check the history of student’s educational career.

In the start the government will issue these students card to the children of age 10 years. Some students use fake certificates and information to get into a school but now as the computerized ID cards have been introduced it will prevent this from happening. The official record also presented that senior representatives of the education department will look out the proposals from the related experts to first launch the pilot project of issuance of the computerized identity cards to the aspirants in choosy schools in various districts.

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