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Punjab University B.A and BSc results 2016 expected in the last week of august



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Punjab University B.A and BSc results 2016 expected in the last week of august

The private and regular students who are awaiting for their bachelor’s results 2016 are anxious about their results as the University of Punjab did not declare any result date.
It is expected that the University of Punjab will announce the B.A and B.Sc result 2016 in the last week of August but the officials of university have not announced the exact date about the result of B.A and B.Sc.  At this stage Punjab University BA Result 2016 is being finalized by the qualified teachers. Soon the result announcement will be made.
Last year, PU also announced the result in last dates of August so for this year it is also expected that result will be announced in the same dates.
Like every year, the result of B.A and B.Sc at Punjab university will announce in a specifically ceremony at Al-Razi Hall, undergraduate block, Quaid e Azam campus Punjab university.
Position holders of the B.A and BSc will be announce on the day before the overall result announcement. In the ceremony the position holder will be awarded with medals and cash prizes.
The candidates who were appeared in Bachelor’s exams and now waiting for their results are advised to stay in touch with us as we will provide all latest updates regarding result here

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