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What to Study After I Complete My Matriculation




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What to Study After I Complete My Matriculation

All students worry about their matriculation examinations, but once they pass it, they don’t have an idea about which field of study they should choose. These questions arise in every matriculate’s mind and if you are thinking about them as well, then keep on reading this article to figure out a few things about what to do next.

This article is about study options available after matriculation, so if you want to know ways to get a Job in Pakistan then read our article “How Can I Get a Job after Matriculating?”

Parents in Pakistan pressure their children to choose a path of gaining degrees in fields which have high paying careers, in the future, likely in the field of Engineering, Medical and Accounting to name a few. But you must not force yourself to study something that is not in accordance with your talents or abilities. Thus, try to find out which subject(s) you like better than all the subjects offered to you in Matric and then compare them with the offered subjects in FA or FSC by colleges here in Pakistan. We are now listing major study options available for you after Matriculation in Pakistan.

Fields of study after doing Matric with Science Subjects:

1. FSc (Pre-Engineering)

As the name suggests this is the field of study after matriculation that will lead you make a career in the Engineering sector. But choose this option in college if you are good in both Mathematics and Physics, because if you’re not good at even one of these subjects you will suffer from bad marks, and pressure for not being able to perform well in future studies or Government jobs in Pakistan in the field.

2. Fsc (Pre-Medical)

If your dream was to become a doctor so you can help other people, by curing them, then go for this option after Matriculating in Pakistan. This is but a small step towards attaining the doctor’s degree. You will need to have good command over both Biology and Chemistry if you want to further your studies in this field. Also if you desire to get into a reputed college then you must have high marks in your Matric result, as the merit is never low for medical colleges in Pakistan.

3. ICS

ICS stands for Intermediate in Computer Sciences, and requires good knowledge of computer sciences and how things work in the Computer field. Best option for students who don’t like biology or chemistry. And it leads to well-paying careers in the IT field (computer programming and such), Engineering and Physics. Offered with two variation of grouped subject options:

a.Computer, Physics and Mathematics (Maths)
b.Computer, Physics and Statistics (Stats)

Fields of study after doing Matric with Art Subjects:

1. I.COM

Short for Intermediate in Commerce, this is the field you can pick for doing further studies in the field of commerce. Helping you to establish careers in commerce as an Accountant, Marketing Expert and Banker etc.

2. ACCA (after doing CAT)

An International certification in Chartered Accounting, you can opt for this certificate after appearing in exams of CAT, a course to pass after matriculating in Pakistan and enrolling into ACCA. Gaining ACCA can open up big chances of employment in Chartered Accounting for you here in Pakistan and abroad.

If you think that all of the Mathematics and similar subjects make you feel nervous about your options don’t worry there are, at least, two more options that we are going to mention.

3. FA (Science Group)
4. FA (Humanities)

The last two options are for you to follow to make a career in Management, Economics, CSS and other such fields. They also have a great scope in Pakistan, do don’t worry if you are not choosing the other options.

If you obtained low marks in your matric examinations then there are even some Diplomas available for you, and they are as follows:

1. DAE 

Students can go for DAE Diplomas after passing matric exams. DAE (Diploma of Associate in Engineering) is offered for different fields and takes 3 years to complete. You will be given lectures, workshops, assignments, industrial tours or project and such while you study for a diploma. The types of diplomas offered under DAE are in Electrical technologies, Electronics technologies, Computer Technologies, Printing and Graphic Arts Technology, and Textile Dyeing and Printing etc.

2. Professional Diplomas in Computers

Such diplomas are extremely helpful in future career making in the field of IT and Engineering or Physics as long as it involves computers in it. Duration of diploma is varying from 1 year to 3 years. The longer the diploma the better is its worth.

We have mentioned here more than enough ways for you to get a rough idea of where you will go from here on and what you will study, for making your career in the future. We hope that you choose the best way possible for and follow it to success.

To know how to pass your Matric examinations without any problems, go read our article 
“Ways to Pass Matric Examinations without a Hitch”

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