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Punjab Private Schools are Rejecting the New Summer Vacation Schedule




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Punjab Private Schools are Rejecting the New Summer Vacation Schedule

In Punjab, private schools are disagreeing to change their summer vacation schedule as per government’s order. According to news reports, Punjab Education Minister recently announced summer vacations will start from 17 May 2018 in all private and public schools of Punjab. But now private school managements are saying they will not follow the holidays notification issued by the education department.

Students Are Worried About Their Vacations

BeEducated.pk is posting this news because students are worried whether they will have to attend school during the holy month of Ramadan or not. Every private school student was looking forward to the early summer holidays but when they heard this news, that their school might not be closing, they got sad.

Chairman Private Schools Association Mr. Kashif Mirza said in an interview that students are appearing for their exams right now, so we cannot close private schools for the summer right away. He said that this step is only putting children’s future career at risk. He added that Education Minister Mr. Rana Mashhood is ruining the education system be declaring summer vacation at this time.

Education Minister of Punjab has warned all schools that if they do not follow the new summer holidays schedule then they will be fined heavily. So, hopefully Punjab government will look into the matter and make private school management understand their motives for starting summer vacations earlier than planned. 

Holidays To Start After Two Days in Sindh

The first to announce summer holidays was Sindh Government. As it announced that summer vacations will start from 14 may in all schools of Sindh. But private school managements must be unhappy with this decision as well. Pakistan government must find a way to make school managements come to an agreement about this year’s summer holidays. So, that private school students can also go on summer vacations along with public school students. For latest educational news keep visiting our website on daily basis.

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