10th Class Result 2022 9th Class Result 2022

Pakistani Students Invented Cheapest Ventilator and Won the First Prize

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Pakistani Students Invented Cheapest Ventilator and Won the First Prize

A Group Of Pakistani Students have invented the cheapest Ventilator which is worth $2,000(Rs280,000), the modern day ventilator cost which is worth $15,000(Rs2 Million). The team has won the first prize at MIIT Sloan Healthcare Innovations Prize competition. It is one of the biggest inventories in Medical Industry. Now every Patient will be treated at affordable prices.

The Group of students were Shaheer Piracha, Boston University, Sanchay Gupta, MIT alumni, Harvard Medical Student, Moiz Imam ’18 (Student of Mechanical Engeenring) Abdurrahman Akkas’18, Wasay Anwer, Boston University Rohan Jadeja and Faraz Khan who recently graduated from New York University Abu Dhabi. 

While speaking at prize winning ceremony the team said ‘Our device’s competitive advantage lies in the fact that we’ve balanced the accuracy and consistency of a traditional ventilator with the portability and affordability of an Ambu Bag. While speaking with Pakistani doctors and hospital administrators, they expressed a need for a device that is simple to operate, capable of remote monitoring, portable, and built using locally sourced material. All of those considerations have informed our [first iteration of this machine],”


Shaheer Piracha said.

“Our device’s competitive advantage lies in the fact that we’ve balanced the accuracy and consistency of a traditional ventilator with the portability and affordability of an Ambu Bag".

The Ventilator Machine will soon be launched at Pakistan. If it goes successful then it will be launched in South Asian Region.  The Team said we have dropped some physical parts of the machine which were not needed for its functionality made the cost cheap. The ventilator they have designed will serve 4 functions while the modern ventilator serves 15 functions. The 4 functions of ventilator are basic and fundamental and the other 11 functions rarely work students revealed.

The ventilator Physical design is different from modern ventilator. It looks like a desktop printer. It is capable of running with batteries and it is portable to be taken anywhere.

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