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Government Teacher Allegedly Harasses More Than 80 Female Students During Practical Exams



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Government Teacher Allegedly Harasses More Than 80 Female Students During Practical Exams

Saadat Bashir, an examiner, has being accused of harassing more than 80 girls that appeared for their intermediate practical exams at Bahria College in Islamabad. According to news reports, Bashir is a biology teacher at Islamabad Model College for Boys (sector H-9) and Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) had sent him to invigilate the practical exams going on for 3 days.

Students Come Forward Through Social Media Websites

BeEducated.pk wants you to know that many female students are accusing Bashir for acting inappropriately with them during their Biology practical examination. The first student to come forward posted on her Facebook account that the examiner groped her twice during her practical exam on Thursday, May 24.

The student said in her post, “He touched me twice during the exam.” She also explained this incident was the worst experience of her life and how the invigilator had groped or passed inappropriate comments to almost 80 other students. She further added the girls did not report him for harassment because he kept on threatening to deduct their marks.

After her story went viral, many other girls are revealing that they have also been harassed by the same biology teacher in their previous exams. Sources say Bahria College has sent an official complaint to the FBISE alleging misconduct and harassment on the part of the examiner.

The Biology Teacher Denies All Allegations

According to Express Tribune, Saadat Bashir has denied all accusations saying that he is being mentally tortured and even threatened since the whole issue had gone viral. He said in his interview, “I might have bumped into someone during the exams but that does not mean I wanted to harass the students.” He added, “I have been a teacher for 12 years and my family is in shock after this purposeful attack on my reputation.” 

An official have also told the Tribune that they have received a complaint and they will be holding an inquiry to looking into the matter and dig out the facts. Hopefully, the people responsible for punishing Saadat Bashir will do their best to find out the truth. Recently, an app was introduced to stop women harassment in Pakistan but who knew we will be needing them for schools and colleges as well. For more news and updates keep visiting our website regularly.

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