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Most of us raise our kids in the proper attention towards them while declaring them very special. Undoubtedly it is good to make your child special but idolizing them in their own perspective in their after learning age life most of the time proves crucial. I didn’t mean to not provide them extra specialty but it may harm them grooming factor. I have seen many child to whom their parents provides every necessity of their life, sometimes extra things that which most of the time create fuss in their mind while making them intolerable, stubborn and violent.
This thing in the real life become a hard issue for which I have brought some of the resolving factors for your children to survive in school, outdoor, college and at workplace.
1# Become an idol for your child:
It’s true that a child adopt its manners and nature from their elders. They point us at every stage and no doubt they follow our footsteps. So in this way we can prove for them and even for ourselves a good role model whom he or she can easily endure.
Always speak nicely in front of your child and forbid abusive words including shouting and controlling your anger. Let them know the exact meaning of ‘Thank you’ and ‘Sorry’ and its usage. Introduce them to society and let them know the real face of world with good words.
2# Teach children polite words at early stage:
The best age that starts grooming your child is age 2 so never regret objectionable stuff from the early age by admiring such phrases in front of your child ‘abhi chota ha’. People however, how old they grow in front of their parent they are still considered children. Parents are the only specie on earth who can bear their child tolerance but they should keep in mind that our world is bitter in reality and the society don’t bear intolerance. Let your child learn to say words like ‘please’ which is considered polite make them learn how and where to use them from the early age, it will surely help them to please society.
3# Politely amend them:
Sometimes kids misbehave and make mistake. For it we punish them because we become intolerable for their made mistake. For this we need to rectify them politely while using appropriate word just to make them realize of consequences. You can make them realize by not talking to them while preferring irate in front of them.
A child has a soft heart and they become curious when their close ones neglect them. This thing push them hard for which they become possessive for parents love.
4# Appreciate their behavior:
When child do good stuff then always appreciate them by expressing your excitement. Pay best regard through proud because this eventually increases a sense in them to do more for owing more reward of love from their parents.
5# Impose exchange of gift quality: