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We all know that some of the children needs special attention towards studies to get them good marks. But just our thinking scenario is not much enough to get them good grades. Here we need to provide then some extra attention because for them academics seems stressful.
All these situation of stress arose in a student when the parents of such child demands them to provide good grades otherwise they will punish for it.
In actual, such categorized students are just known as slow learners although they have same strength of leaning but in slow manner. Let me explain with an example!
Math is a tough and an interesting subject. See I have used both sequence of words ‘Tough’ and ‘Interesting’. Tough in a way because it requires steps to lead towards final assumption of answer. Interest is develop when the first step is cleared to you. Similarly, a child is categorized in two types, fast learner and a slow learner. Fast learner get the things very fast in sequel to slow learner as he get the things slowly in a sluggish way. Since, this sluggishness requires much hard work.
I must say, right now, many of the students are moving from the critical scenario as some of the students are waiting for their result of 11th and 12th class while some have got the result but they are not satisfied with their marks as they were recommended for the college and university. So these days many of the students are moving through trauma of stress.
When the child don’t get the things in a right way according to their prediction they lead towards stress and this stress betray them away from academics and then provoke them in insincere activities.
Since these situations are worst for every student, so I urge all the parents and the teachers to handle this situation very carefully. For this one need to know the problem very trickily. So I will discuss helpful ways in points to bring the child out of the distress.