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Need to prevent radicalization of students in universities urges HEC



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Need to prevent radicalization of students in universities urges HEC

ISLAMABAD: The concern has been expressed by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) regarding involvement of the students in the hypocritical and violent activities.
After the student from Karachi University is found alleged in targeted attack on Muttahida Qaumi Movement leader Izharul Hassan HEC has commence all the institutions to pay special attention to this issue.
On Thursday, in a letter, HEC urged to prevent all those opportunities for the students and employees to radicalize.  
Earlier this year, a student from Abdul Wali Khan University in Mardan was brutally murdered by the student party over an allegation of Blasphemy. On the other hand a student from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, was found as a militant trainer.
All these issue are creating a fuss and disputes in the name of religioun and ethnicity in different campuses of universities which are required to be stop as soon as possible.
Dr Mukhtar Ahmed Chairman of HEC in a letter to rectors, head of universities and Vice Chancellors, said: “Some of the recent acts of violence and terrorism in the country have exposed involvement of university students in such disastrous incidences.
This is quite unfortunate and underscores that intolerance, radicalization, and extremism is on the rise, and universities present no exception to this ominous challenge.”
It further said the HEC has been sensitizing universities’ possible threats of security, in which their manifested and negative potential rights are organizing such brutalization within the students of universities.
In a meeting of Vice Chancellors’ Committee that was held in May, the letter further initiated that the connection and coordination of teachers and students and as well as of faculty must be strengthened and the faculty must be ensured in all social spaces of the university to eliminate more disconnections between faculty and students.
The letter emphasize great role in counselling for students and further on its basis there must be a regular student activity.
The letter further inherit a command as, “Any unusual behavior must be carefully monitored and analyzed”, in aspect to this if any problem is found regarding any unusual activity between the students they must be registered and also offer solutions for it.
Furthermore the letter calls, that sports, tutorials and extracurricular activities must be promote in the university’s students so they become homier towards it and public lectures while engaging the students must be made for the tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

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