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Imran Khan’s sister has property in United States



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Imran Khan’s sister has property in United States

Imran Khan’s sister Aleema Khan has properties in United States (US) also. She is facing cases for her luxurious apartments in Pakistan. Authorities of property in United States has intimated that she has four storey apartment in New Jersey in America. Tax department in Pakistan has intimated that flats in New Jersey are not included in the details of Aleema Khan’s properties for year 2017. She mentioned the flats in New Jersey in her properties details when she tried to sell the flats but she failed. She sold her properties in UAE but she had not mentioned UAE flats in her properties details. 

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Off shore company details of Aleema Khan

She is a sole director of her offshore companies “Niazi Services Limited”. It includes London flat also. Her property is only 400 meters away from River Hudson. Wall Street which is also called as financial capital of world is only three kilometers away from Aleema Khan Property. According to the documents of her property in New Jersey it is clear that she had purchased this property in USA on August 5, 2004. Aleema Khan has share of 75% and her partner has 25% share of her property in US.    

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