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HSSC Position Holders Ceremony Held in Aiwan-e-Iqbal




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HSSC Position Holders Ceremony Held in Aiwan-e-Iqbal

Punjab’s Higher Education Department held a ceremony in the honor of position holding students of SSC and HSSC Examinations 2017, at Aiwan-e-Iqbal Lahore.  Members of Punjab Assembly Mr. Raza Ali Gillani and Mrs. Zakia Shah Nawa Khan were present to distribute awards and prize money among the toppers. Few other assembly members were also in attendance for the prize distribution ceremony.

Guard of honor was presented to the top position holding students at the start of the awarding ceremony. Different bands marched while playing tunes on their instruments. The leader of the band marched ahead of every other band member while saluting the toppers for their exceptional performance in their exams. 

Punjab’s Higher Education Minister Mr. Raza Ali Gillani said in his speech that we should abolish the old education system of Pakistan and introduce the system of Conceptual Education. Mr. Raza Ali said that when students will have clear concepts about the topics they are studying, then cheating and impersonation cases will come down to 0%.

In the report of City42, students said that they are determined to spread the name of Pakistan as a developed country through their achievements in the future. BeEduacated.pk has brought this news to encourage students to study as hard as they can, because only they can make Pakistan a well-developed country in the coming days. 

After the Higher Education Minister’s speech prize money and award certificates were distributed among the SSC and HSSC Toppers of 2017. 1st position holders were given 4 lacs, 2nd position holders received 3 lacs and 3rd position holders got 2 lacs each.

Students you should also aim to become a topper because there are many benefits for your future studies and job opportunities. We want to wish good luck to all students appearing for their exams this year. Keep visiting our website to get more news updates on the Pakistan’s education sector. 

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