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Eid ul Adha Holidays Might Be Four Days Long



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Eid ul Adha Holidays Might Be Four Days Long

Eid-ul-Adha is almost here and everyone is wondering how many holidays will be announced this year. According to news reports, a summary has been sent to Federal Interior Ministry for announcing four days long public holidays on the occasion of Eid ul Adha 2018 in Pakistan. 

Eid ul Adha Holidays Expected to be Four Days Long

BeEducated.pk wants you to know that according to sources, the summary that has been sent to the Interior Ministry contains a request for allowing 4 days long holidays for this year’s Eid-ul-Adha, which will start from 21 August (Tuesday) and end on 24 August (Friday).

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Eid ul Adha is expectedly going to be celebrated on August 22 (Wednesday) in the country. So, after the Prime Minister accepts the request, Eid Holidays will last from 21 August till 24 August.

In case the Interior Ministry announced Eid ul Adha holidays from 21 to 24 August then 25 August is a Saturday, which is another off day for all government offices and most private companies. Thus including Sunday (August 26) most Pakistanis will enjoy 6 holidays for Eid this year.

On the other hand, the government had directed public organizations to pay the current employees their advance pays and retirees their pensions by 17 August. In this matter, the Government has already issued the notification so no government employee, current or retired, will face any financial problems on this Eid ul Adha.

Read this news: “Punjab Schools Reopen After 14 August 2018

Pakistan Independence Day will be Celebrated Next Tuesday

Coincidentally the Independence Day of Pakistan (14 August), which is another public holiday, is falling on a Tuesday as well. Therefore in this month alone, Pakistanis will be able to enjoy a total of five public holidays, excluding all other usual holidays of the week. Finally, to get latest news and more details on Eid holidays keep visiting our platform regularly. 

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