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Coronavirus Helpline Number in Pakistan Call: 1190



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Coronavirus Helpline Number in Pakistan Call: 1190

LAHORE: Punjab Governor Ch. Muhammad Sarwar set up Corona Rescue Helpline 1190 at Rescue Headquarters to give assistance and awareness to suspected coronavirus disease victims in Punjab, to scale back panic and to give timely safe transportation services to corona victims to the designated clinic by the rescue teams.

Coronavirus updates Pakistan

Emergency Helpline Number Introduce in Pakistan for reporting Coronavirus case in Pakistan
The governor of Punjab, Rescue of Punjab DG along-side with senior officers prayed for the country’s safety from the pandemic disease and for the world.

The Punjab governor said CORONA Rescue Helpline 1190 had been launched to avoid panic within the country and supply guidance to all or any those victims who are affected by fever, flu, and shortness of breath, etc. Corona Rescue Helpline would definitely improve the coordination between the general public, Health Department and hospitals as all flu and fever aren't associated with coronavirus, therefore, people shouldn't panic. He appreciated the efforts of the rescue team for creating functional Helpline 1190  in Pakistan for Coronavirus on an emergency basis and training of paramedics for providing 24/7 assistance to the general public. He hoped that the helpline would decrease the burden on hospitals by the provision of timely guidance while rescuers would be ready to safely answer the coronavirus emergencies.

Precautions and self-treatment for COVID-19s

With two confirmed cases of coronavirus in Pakistan, a way of panic has spread across the country. Many believe that the country remains not equipped to affect things just in case of an epidemic. Under such circumstances, it's imperative to understand what the virus is and what can a mean person do to stay safe.

How should one protect themselves?
At present, there are not any vaccines to stop people from COVID-19. Therefore, it's extremely important to require preventative measures. Per the rules of the WHO, people should take the subsequent steps to guard themselves against the new coronavirus.
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub (sanitizer). don't touch your nose, eyes, or face without properly washing your hands. Washing your hands or employing a sanitizer kills the virus which will get on your hands.

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