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BISE Lahore Board 12th Class Result 2018 Declared



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BISE Lahore Board 12th Class Result 2018 Declared

Lahore— The 12th class result 2018 Lahore Board has been announced. Second year students can now check their mark sheets from official websites and all other educational websites including BeEducated.pk.

According to the official announcement, HSSC part 2 result 2018 will be made available after 10 AM on 12 September, 2018. Soon you will be able to know whether you have passed or not. Names of the 12th class position holders have already been made public, which you can check from our website any time.

Ways of Viewing Mark Sheets

Most people already know the different ways available for checking result of 12th class 2018. However, we are going to discuss them for the 2nd year students that still don’t know about them. There are at most five options for viewing BISE Lahore Board 12th class result 2018 are:

•    Visiting BISE Lahore website to check your marks
•    Buying gazettes that have details of the outcome
•    Making a phone call on the board’s given number to know your twelfth class result 2018
•    Sending text message on specific number of the educational board in order to receive your mark sheet
       on your mobile phone
•    Checking the outcome on one of the many educational websites of Pakistan.

Now, if you want to check the result of twelfth class 2018 as quickly as possible then always visit external educational websites. Otherwise you might have to wait for long hours and still not be able to view your marks.

12th Class Examination Toppers

You will be able to find out the toppers of 12th class exams already, as the names of position holders are announced a day before the outcome. Even though your educational board does not reveal in on their official portals, still you can know who have topped the exams through educational websites. Our team has also provided the twelfth class position holders, so you can know their names and marks from our platform. For more news and updates on twelfth outcome keep visiting our website on daily basis. 

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