10th Class Result 2022 9th Class Result 2022

Operation Radd-ul-Fasad Pakistani Pak Army

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Operation Radd-ul-Fasad Pakistani Pak Army

Over the years, our military has performed many operations with codenames and helped our country and people stay safe. Military has always been a huge part of Pakistan and they’ve always stood by the gate so that no harm could be done to us. These people are the real heros who have been protecting us from many years.
Radd-ul-Fasad is an Urdu work, roughly translated as ‘Elimination of discord’. Radd-ul-Fasad is basically a codename, which is used by the military of Pakistan. This codename was given to an operation in which elimination of all sleeper cells that terrorist have hidden all over Pakistan. These cells are hidden from 22nd February, 2017.

 Local law enforcement agencies have been supporting this act of the military. The main reason for this operation was to eradicate terrorism and to secure operation Zarb-e-Azab. Furthermore, it is also going to be securing Pakistan overall and make sure no more terrorist attacks take place.  The actively participating groups in this operation are the Pakistan air force, Navy, police and civil armed forces.
The reason behind this operation was operation Ghazi. When a terrorist group named as Jammat-ul-Ahrar started the operation ghazi and had many suicidal attacks all over Pakistan. This started in the beginning of 2017.
 According to the news, Jammat-ul-Ahrar admitted on this attack and said they made this attack happen because of the death of Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was shot in Lal Masjid by Pakistan Army during operation sunrise.
During this operation, many terrorist attacks have taken place and many more people have died under these attacks, the Pakistan army is trying to make sure that these attacks should be eliminated. In the past year, the military has been successful In capturing a few terrorist and have lost many of their army soldiers.

According to recent events, on 8th December, 2017, 300 militants surrendered in Quetta with 17 commanders. It is still unknown what is happening right now but the military might close this operation soon if they can.
It is our army’s duty to protect our country no matter what. Over the past many years, terrorism has reduced and reached to its peak. Many innocent people have died in many attacks and many families have lost their loved ones. The army is trying their best to keep everything in order and remove these attacks so that more people can feel safe inside their homes.

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