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World's First Humanoid Bank



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World's First Humanoid Bank

Humanoid robots welcome customers at world’s first bank with no human employees in China, where technology takes care of everything. Robots at this branch greet and manage accounts of customers.

One of the leading banking system in its state, China Construction Bank has setup this revolutionary banking system in Shanghai. China Construction Bank says the high-tech branch is meant to make banking more efficient, convenient and personalized.

How it is controlled by Robots?

Robots greet the customers as they answer to their questions via voice recognition. These banking humanoids are able to do almost anything a human assistant can do. They assist you in opening accounts, making investments and transferring money.

Actual humans are on standby if robots are unable to complete the request of any customer. Visitors can even explore the bank’s rental offerings using virtual reality headsets. Also for wealthy clients, in need of human help, a private room is reserved for remote chats with client relationship managers – via video link.

Public and Banks Reactions to this Revolutionary Step

The bank says the new set up will be able to handle 90% cash and non-cash demands of traditional banking outlets. Tian Ting, a finance worker, said after visiting: “These days, people are less and less likely to be inclined to want other people to come and bother them.

We hope to come to a bank where we can interact with machines and take our bank systems to a next level. It helps our banking systems to innovate and helps trying to improve our traditional banks.

China Construction Bank Statements

CCB claims to have already installed 1,600 smart machines at its 360 branches in Beijing where it is based. There will be enough room for improvement through daily operations. But still human bankers are needed to offer personal advices, handle personalized and complicated demands, and assist wealthy clients.

BeEducated.pk brings this revolutionary news for our readers to inspire students and researchers to develop similar services in Pakistan. Hopefully our youth will start working on the development of futuristic banks and bring virtual banking to Pakistan.

So, students you should study as much as possible. Learn to develop new ways of doing everyday tasks. This will help you work on new ideas, which can lead to you invent new technologies to help all human beings and/or living things.

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