Students your FBISE 12th Class Result 2018 announcement date has been confirmed. According to Federal Board’s official website, “HSSC part 2 Result is expected to be declared on 20th August 2018 (Monday) at 2:00 PM.”
After successfully posting SSC Part 1 & Part 2 outcomes on our website, will be uploading the result of 12th class 2018 as well. So, students can quickly check their marks before their classmates. In case you are looking to view your mark sheets without facing any difficulties, then you should also visit our website on the day of your outcome.
Students, who appeared for their second year exams this year, will be able to check their marks through:
• Official website of Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE)
• Gazette of 12th result 2018
• Your mobile phone by sending an SMS to the board’s specified number to receive your marks.
However, many students prefer checking their marks on various educational websites of Pakistan. Because their webserver do not crash due to high traffic of students, who want to check their marks as soon as possible.
Almost all educational websites will only allow you to look for your FBISE 12th Class Result 2018 roll number wise, so make sure you remember your correct roll number. Otherwise you will not be able to check your mark sheet right away.
In case you have misplaced your roll number slip then do not worry! Because you will be able to check your marks at a later time through your board’s website by:
• Your Name, and/or
• Your Institution Name
However, it is best to look for your roll number slip and memorize your roll number (or saving it in your computer). So you can know your twelfth class result 2018 right away. In the end, our team wants to wish the best of luck to all students waiting for their 12th class outcome. For more Results news and details about Federal Board 12th outcome, keep visiting our website on daily basis.